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Indigenous Health Research

The Indigenous Health Research Group is committed to developing research that is based upon the health research priorities of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Health is viewed more holistically in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and encompasses physical and mental wellbeing, as well as spirituality, connection to land, culture and community of the individual as important components of health and disease. As such, effective research to support health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders needs to be multi-disciplinary, thoughtful and focused on health outcome equality.

The Group is undertaking work directly with community groups across Queensland to ensure that the voices of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community are represented in its research. The Group is developing its programs in this area and is ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and community-led organisations are collaborators and partners in research to ensure it will effectively translate research knowledge into health deliverables for the community.

We're co-designing health research with Indigenous communities

We've visited more than 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout Queensland, engaging with over 230 people to hear their stories and talk about the importance of early life.

Group Leaders