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Queensland Family Cohort Biobank

The Mater Research-led Queensland Family Cohort Study (QFC) aims to understand factors influencing healthy growth, well-being, and aging to support children and families throughout their lives. Parallel to this, Mater Research is contributing to closing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health gap by adapting the QFC protocol to create a more targeted Indigenous Queensland Family Cohort (IQFC). 

Ultimately, the QFC is striving to recruit 12,500 pregnant families across Queensland and intends to follow up with families and children for three decades. Pregnant women and their partners are enrolled at 24 weeks gestation and followed up at defined intervals before and after birth, where questionnaires, biological samples, and physical measurements are completed/provided.

Contact Us

For further information about the Queensland Family Cohort Biobank email Queensland Family Cohort or telephone +61 439 945 068.