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Research funding support

Identifying Suitable Funding Opportunities

The Research Grants Team can assist Mater Researchers with identifying and pursuing suitable funding opportunities for research projects and education on searching for funding opportunities.

External funding opportunities

Mater Research biomedical scientists and clinician researchers are able to access a range of external funding opportunities by contacting funding agencies directly or through the partnership Mater has with The University of Queensland.

The agreement between Mater and UQ also provides researchers with access to the funding opportunity databases, mailers and resources that UQ provides. The Research Grants Team are able to assist researchers gain access to these databases and set up automated searches.

Mater internal funding schemes

Mater Research provides funding opportunities throughout the year to specifically support the work of outstanding female researchers, Early Career Researchers and established biomedical and clinical researchers. These opportunities are advertised via email and on the Mater Research Intranet.

  • Mater Research Strategic Grant for Outstanding Women is exclusively available to the women of Mater Research and is a unique opportunity for recipients to increase research productivity, attain key resources, increase their national and international profile, and generate awareness and interest for their research projects within the community.
  • Early Career Researcher Seeding Grant supports eligible Mater Early Career Researchers wishing to conduct research with the aim to submit an independent investigator research grant in the following year. It will assist in facilitating the successful applicants to be competitive on a national and (potentially) international level. Applicants are encouraged to apply for NHMRC Investigator Grants and Fellowships in the subsequent year.
  •  Betty McGrath Healthcare Delivery and Innovation and Education Seeding Grants provide start-up funding for research designed to improve the care of people and can be readily translated into clinical practice, and research designed to improve the delivery of clinical education. The seeding grant may be used to purchase research equipment or software, and cover the costs of obtaining statistical advice, clinical back-fill, open-access publishing or research assistance. To be eligible for a Betty McGrath Seeding Grant, the lead applicant must be employed by Mater, based at and undertake the project at a Mater facility and have support from their current supervisor (Department Director).

How to apply for funding

Once you have identified a funding opportunity, please advise the Research Grants Team of your intention to apply and they will assist you submit an application. Where possible, all applications for external funding should be submitted through The University of Queensland Research Office. If you do not have an MRI-UQ appointment, please contact the Research Grants Team for assistance.

Funding Management

The Research Grants Team also provide support and assistance with:

  • pre- and post-award grant administration
  • submission of peer-reviewed research grant applications to national and international funding agencies (most applications will be submitted through MRI-UQ)
  • management and administration of external grants, fellowships, scholarships and other funding schemes, and internal Mater Research funding schemes

Contact us 

For further information, please email the Research Grants Team