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Mater Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are an essential component of healthcare. They provide the evidence to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments and diagnostics, and provide alternative treatment options for patients with unmet needs. Hospital accreditation in Australia now includes assessment through a new National Clinical Trials Governance Framework, emphasising the integration of clinical trials into routine care. 

Mater is leading way, with over 200 active clinical trials across nine focus areas. These trials include commercial pharmaceutical and medical device studies, as well as collaborative group studies and investigator-initiated studies, led by Mater’s researchers and collaborators at The University of Queensland and other leading Australian and international medical research institutions.

Without volunteers, clinical trials are not possible. Trials are vital for transforming scientific discoveries into exceptional patient care and outcomes. 

If you are interested in being involved, you may be a patient with a new diagnosis, a patient with a long-term diagnosis or a healthy volunteer contact the Mater Clinical Trials team or view current available trials by focus area below. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The IBD Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials of new drugs for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and related conditions.


The Medical Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials of new drugs in blood cancers and disorders (Haematology), liver disorders (Hepatology), diabetes and metabolic disorders (Endocrinology).

Medical Oncology

The Medical Oncology Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials of new drugs for patients with cancer.

Mother and Baby

The Mother and Baby Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials aimed at improving the health of mothers and babies around the time of birth and clinical trials to improve outcomes for babies in the neonatal intensive care unit.


The Neuroscience Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials for patients with dementia, epilepsy, migraine and headache disorders, stroke, movement disorders and other neurological conditions.

Palliative Care

The Palliative Care Research Group conducts clinical trials evaluating new treatment options to alleviate symptoms and improve overall wellbeing of patients with advanced cancer.

Respiratory, Infectious Disease and Oncology

The Respiratory, Infectious Disease and Oncology (RIO) Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials of new drugs for patients with respiratory conditions such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as respiratory infectious disease and lung cancer. The team also run clinical trials of new vaccines in healthy volunteers.


The Surgical Clinical Trials Team conducts clinical trials of new drugs and medical devices in orthopaedics, intensive care, anaesthetics and other types of surgery. The team also supports studies involving donation of samples for use in laboratory research (Pathology).

All Clinical Trials

Mater conducts clinical trials in a range of therapeutic areas including Cance, Nerouology, Medicine, Orthopaedics Surgery and Acute Care, and Mothers' and Babies Health. Clinical trials are an essential component of helathcare. They provide the evidence to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treantments and diagnositics, and provide alternative treatment options for patients with unmet needs.