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Be a change maker and help Mater revolutionise healthcare for your community

With more than 300 laboratory and clinical researchers, Mater Research is committed to turn scientific discovery and translate findings into clinical practice so that Mater can continue to deliver the best possible treatment, care and outcomes for patients and our broader community. We want to ensure our findings are taken from the bench to the bedside as quickly as possible and shared globally to improve healthcare around the world. 

We need your ongoing support to help save lives through medical research. Consider volunteering your time and joining the Mater Research Health Consumer Network or making a donation to Mater Foundation. 

Mater Foundation is the community-based fundraising organisation that supports Mater’s provision of exceptional healthcare, education and investment in world-leading medical research. Donations made through Mater Foundation support a significant proportion of Mater Research's income, allowing our world-renowned research team to continue to improve patient care and quality of life by finding better ways to diagnose, treat and ultimately cure life-threatening diseases.

Make a donation today

Your generous gift will be directed towards where it is needed most, including areas where funding is traditionally difficult to obtain. This includes awarding fellowships to clinician-researchers, which effectively provide salary support to back–fill their clinical time at Mater. This means they have more time available to complete their evidence-based research activities while ensuring their clinical work continues. Your gift could also provide seed funding to support national and international funding applications, and Mater Foundation Fellowship positions, which allow for five-year appointments for our senior research leaders. By supporting research at Mater, you will be playing a part in helping some incredible, world-leading research projects happening right now. 

You can provide much needed support for medical research by making a donation to Mater Foundation.

You can also support Mater Foundation through fundraising activities, leaving a gift in your Will or buying a lottery ticket.

To support the work of Mater Foundation and play a part in revolutionising healthcare in your community, contact the team on 07 3163 8000 or via Mater Foundation's email.

Mater Research would like to thank all of our supporters who contribute so generously to medical research.

Our Supporters