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Allied Health Research

The Allied Health Research Group incorporates a multidisciplinary approach across Mater’s Allied Health services including audiology, dietetics and food services, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, social work and speech pathology. 

Reseach activities are undertaken on a continuum from clinical inquiry and evidence implementation, to measurement and evaluation, through to new knowledge generation. The Group collaborates with partners within Mater and externally, with the aim of improving patient care and experience through evidence-based practice, improving health services and interventions and translating research and evidence into practice.

Group Leaders

Group members

Associate Professor Liisa Lakso is supported by:

  • Aleysha Martin
  • Matthew Hunt
  • Dr Jen Sanderson 
  • Dr Sheridan Guyatt
  • Dr Dilani Mendis
  • Dr Jennifer Utter
  • Isabella Bolton
  • Jody Ebenezer
  • Dr Arwyn Warner
  • Lucy Lyons
  • Caitlin Ryan
  • Felicity Prebble
  • Lisa Parry

Affiliated Mater clinicians, Mater People and collaborative researchers:

  • Dr Daniel Schweitzer
  • Dr Bjorn Smith
  • Dr Michael Murphy
  • Dr Emily Ahern
  • Dr Tatjana Ewais
  • Prof Jake Begun
  • Dr Anubhav Sathu
  • Dr John Radovanovic
  • Dr Owen Jenkins
  • Dr Anthony O’Neill
  • Dr Timothy McMeniman
  • Dr Liza Phillips

Members of the Allied Health Research Group supervise and/or co-supervise undergraduate and post-graduate research students:

  • Annie Yu (Griffith University)
  • Mohamed (Mubeen) Tuan Faizer (QUT)
  • Hildegard Reul-Hirche (Griffith University)
  • Varsha Venkatesh Galaganath (Manipal, India)