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All Human Research Ethics Applications including low risk review

All new applications to MML HREC are required to be submitted via the ERM platform.

Preparing your application

Documentation you are required to provide in your application include:

Please refer to the checklist for full details.

Completion and Submission of your Application

To submit your research HREC application (including low risk review), complete the HREA in ERM, uploading all required documents and submit to MML HREC. If you have completed your HREA in, then this form can be imported into ERM.

The CPI is required to sign the form on the Declaration page. And an important last step – please remember to click Submit!

Low Risk Requirements

If you have requested a Low Risk Review in your HREA :

  • your application will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the HREC between meetings 
  • if your HREA contains a request for a waiver of consent, the waiver will need to be reviewed at the next full HREC meeting

Greater than low risk review requirements

If your application is greater than low risk:

Other requirements

Prior to the commencement of your project, you are required to obtain site authorisation from Mater Research Governance