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Medical Oncology Trials

Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Gynaecological Cancers, Kidney Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Solid Tumours

The Medical Oncology Clinical Research team, based within the Mater Cancer Care Centre, currently has 22 actively recruiting trials. The trials are across a range of solid cancers, with a special focus on women’s and urological cancers.

The trials are examining new forms of treatment other than chemotherapy, targeted therapies that aim to reduce side effects and new combinations of treatments with an aim to address many of the unanswered questions in treating cancer.

The clinical trial within Medical Oncology research are overseen by four highly experienced female medical oncologist who are passionate about finding the most appropriate form of treatment for each patient they care for. There is a team of clinical researchers who all have a background in oncology nursing and are able to provide holistic care to patients and families who are involved in clinical trials.

All care is delivered within the MCCC which allows patients and their families to access the many supportive services available to patients at Mater during their cancer journey.

  • Category
  • Trial status
  • Trial phase
    Phase 0
    Sometimes referred to as Phase 0 trials or pilot studies, these come before Phase 1 trials and are used to test how the body responds to an experimental drug. In these studies, small doses of the new drug are given once or for a short time to a very limited number of people.

Trial contact details

What you need to know

Who can take part?

Patients with a cancer diagnosis should seek referral from their physician to Mater Cancer Centre, where our Oncologist will assess eligibility for our active clinical trials.

What is involved for you?

Requirements for participants vary from study to study.

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