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MedCan 3 - Medicinal cannabis to relieve symptoms of advanced cancer in palliative care patients

Advanced cancer

This study aims to determine if medicinal cannabis improves symptoms of advanced cancer, such as pain, nausea, shortness of breath, anxiety and depression. The cannabis used in this trial will be CBD dominant, with very small amounts of THC. Participants will not be permitted to drive while on the trial. Half of participants will receive the cannabis product and the other half will receive a placebo. Allocation to either group is random and researchers and patients will be unaware of which group the patient is in.

What you need to know

Who can take part?

  • People over 18 years old with advanced cancer
  • People receiving standard palliative care
  • People who test negative for THC at the beginning of the trial and agree not to use any other cannabis products until the trial is complete
  • People who are willing to not drive for the entirety of the trial
  • People without a history of psychiatric or substance use disorders
  • People without severe liver or kidney impairment
  • People who are not pregnant and who agree to avoid pregnancy until at least 12 weeks after the trial

What is involved for you?

  • Taking study medication for 4 weeks
  • Face-to-face visits each week
  • Regular phone calls with research nurses
  • Giving blood and urine samples
  • Medical assessments and questionnaires

Trial dates

This trial is accepting participants until November 2025.

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