The main aim of the study is to assess if TAK-101 can reduce gluten related symptoms and immune activation in adult participants with celiac disease (CeD) on a gluten-free diet (GFD).
- Category
Trial status
Trial phase
Phase 2 Drug TrialEarly stage studies investigating efficacy and safety compared to standard therapies, as well as final dose determination in moderate sized patient cohorts.
- Registry listing
ERM Project ID
Trial contact details
Contact person
IBD Clinical Trials Team
07 3163 8195
What you need to know
Who can take part?
Do you have celiac disease and are on a gluten free diet?
To participate, you must:
- Have biopsy confirmed Celiac Disease
- Must be confirmed with the disease genotype required for study participation (tested during screening)
- Be aged 18 - 75 years
- Have been on a gluten free diet for at least 6 months and be able to maintain that gluten free diet for a further 6 months
- Not have any other gastrointestinal disorders or autoimmune diseases
- Not have a known or suspected wheat allergy
- Meet medication requirements per protocol
- Not have active infection
- Not have a history of malignancy
- Not be pregnant/breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy
What is involved for me?
- Regular study visits
- Maintain Gluten free diet
- Be willing to undergo gluten challenges
- Treatment via infusion (into the vein)
- Physical exam
- Blood & urine testing
- Daily diary completion