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EMERALD2 - A new treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

The purpose of this study is to learn about the safety and effectiveness of a new experimental drug called MORF-057. This study will also look at the way the body absorbs, distributes, and gets rid of the study drug (called pharmacokinetics, or PK) and the way the study drug affects the body (called pharmacodynamics, or PD).

  • Category
  • Trial status
  • Trial phase
    Phase 2 Drug Trial
    Early stage studies investigating efficacy and safety compared to standard therapies, as well as final dose determination in moderate sized patient cohorts.
  • Registry listing
  • ERM Project ID

Trial contact details

  • Contact person
    Sharyn Grossman
  • Phone
    07 3163 8195

What you need to know

To participate you must:

  • Be aged 18 - 85
  • Have diagnosed UC for at least three months verified by endoscopy and histology
  • Have been on previous therapy that you had to cease
  • Have had a colonoscopy in the last two years
  • BMI > 18
  • Have blood test results in normal ranges
  • Meet all the detailed inclusion/exclusion criteria

You must not:

  • Have another bowel condition
  • Have surgery planned for during the study
  • Have a neurological condition
  • Have an active infection
  • Have a history of malignancy

Please note, some medications may cause you to be ineligible.

Trial Dates

  • March - July 2024
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